activated sludge wastewater treatment plant
Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant Alternative | The Eco System | Non-Electric Sewage Treatment
Discover the Eco System: The Revolutionary Non-Electric Answer to Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plants
Are you searching for a reliable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective solution for your domestic sewage treatment needs? Look no further than the Eco System, offered by Septic Tank Supermarket. This innovative system stands apart from traditional activated sludge wastewater treatment plants, offering a host of benefits tailored to the UK market.
The Power of Nature
Imagine a domestic sewage treatment plant that operates silently, without odors, and requires no electricity. The Eco System makes this a reality, harnessing the natural power of worms and bacteria to:
- Eliminate Running Costs: No electricity means no power bills.
- Minimize Breakdowns: No complex mechanical parts mean superior reliability and reduced repair expenses.
- Avoid Emptying: The system's organisms consume sludge, eliminating the need for costly emptying services.
How the Eco System Works
- Bio Composter: This first tank employs organic red worms and bacteria to break down sewage, mimicking the composting process.
- Worm Reactor: Effluent flows into this tank where worms and bacteria transform it into nutrient-rich, liquid fertilizer.
Transform Waste into Plant Food
The Eco System doesn't simply treat wastewater; it produces a valuable byproduct. The organic liquid fertilizer is a boon for your garden, nourishing lawns, plants, and trees. It can even be safely discharged directly into watercourses like rivers and streams, in compliance with relevant UK regulations.
Easy, DIY-Friendly Installation
The Eco System is designed for straightforward installation by builders, groundworkers, or even yourself:
- Dig a hole.
- Place the docking mats.
- Insert the tanks.
- Connect the pipes.
- Backfill with soil or gravel.
Unbeatable Value & Regulatory Compliance
Septic Tank Supermarket is proud to offer the Eco System as one of the most affordable non-electric domestic sewage treatment plants in the UK. Its lack of reliance on electricity, minimal maintenance, and self-emptying features make it a remarkably cost-effective solution.
Importantly, the Eco System is approved by:
- UK Building Control
- Environment Agency
- General Binding Rules
This ensures compliance and smooth sailing through planning permission processes.
- UK Building Control:
- Environment Agency:
- British Water Approved:
- UK Building Regulations Approved:
- General Binding Rules: