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below for more information
Septic Tank Replacement Cost
Are you looking to replace your old septic tank? Are you selling your house and have to reduce the price of your house by £10,000 £15,000 for the price of what it will cost the owners to install a new septic tank and soakaway system?
Many people contact me eack week and ask if they are there is another option to make their old septic tank legal without having to spend out £1000’s in septic tank replacement costs, or without having to fork out on a new domestic sewage treatment plant.
Well, if I had one bit of advice to give you, it would be: Please – do not replace your old septic tank. Do not drop your house price.
There is a really simple and easy way to make your old septic tank legal and fix any septic tank problems.
It’s a small Government black box, and it’s called an Ecosystem septic tank converter. It is a small, organic non electric black tank, that you or your builder can install in 1 hour.
To see more information on this amazing system click this link
Septic Tank Replacement Cost
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Watch the video or click on the button
below for more information
Grants For Septic Tank Replacement
Are you looking for a grant to replace your old septic tank? Are you selling your house and have to reduce the price of your house by £10,000 £15,000 for the price of what it will cost the owners to install a new septic tank and soakaway system and would like a grat to cover the cost?
Many people are contacting me and asking if they are able to get a grant to replace or relocate their septic tank and soakaway. Or to install a new domestic sewage treatmentr plant.
Although as yet, there is no provision to get a grant from the government for your septic tank. I have some good news for you..
You don’t have to spend out £1000’s to replace or relocate your septic tank or soakaway.
There is a really simple and easy way to make your old septic tank legal and fix any septic tank problems.
It’s a small Government black box, and it’s called an Ecosystem septic tank converter. It is a small, organic non electric black tank, that you or your builder can install in 1 hour.
To see more information on this amazing system click this link
Grants For Septic Tank Replacement
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