Septic Tank Conversion Kits – Septic Tank Conversion Kits

Septic Tank Conversion Kits – Septic Tank Conversion Kits

Every septic tank owner in the UK who had a septic tank installed before 2015 will have to apply for retrospective planning approval for their septic tank.

It will cost you £350 to make the application for your septic tank. However, there is no guarantee that you will get approval. It is now down to the discretion of your local building control.

Many people are spending £15,000 – £25,000 to use ‘approved installers’ to make their septic tank compliant.

There is an easier and cheaper way to do this.

A septic tank conversion kit that will not only make your septic tank compliant but this kit will also convert your septic tank into a treatment system.

It’s called a septic tank conversion kit. It’s a small non-electric black tank that you add on to your septic tank.

It will convert your septic tank’s raw sewage in clean water, making your septic tank safer for the environment and your family.

You can install the septic tank conversion kit is really easy. You can do it yourself or get your local builder to do it.

For more information visit  or give me a ring on 01753 360102.

Septic Tank Conversion Kits – Septic Tank Conversion Kits

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