Retrospective Planning Approval For Septic Tanks
In the last few days the rules for septic tanks have changed again.
It’s called Retrospective Planning Approval for septic tanks.
Basically, what it means it this. Anyone in the UK who had a septic tank installed prior to 1st January 2015, may now have to apply retrospectively for planning permission.
The Government has now put total power into the hand of local building control regarding the new installation of septic tanks.
So, not only will you have to apply for planning permission, you might even have to repair of replace your septic tank with a new one.
Many septic tank companies are taking advantage of this new change, and are charging people £15,000 – £25,000
To do this.
I have created this video because I want to show you how to make your septic tank legal now and make your septic tank legal and compliant.
As a septic tank owner, you now have 5 options:
1: Ignore It.
2: Apply for retrospective planning permission for your septic tank.
It costs about £350. It may be granted it may not.
3: Spend £15,000 – £25,000 on a bio digester or new septic tank system.
4: Septic tank conversion unit.
5: Government compliance form.
For septic tank TV visit
Retrospective Planning Approval For Septic Tanks